Harewood Golf club
The Harewood Ramble
from Bruce Maetzig
Dear Guest, Friday, 24 July, 2020

The Harewood Ramble
from Bruce Maetzig

The Harewood Ramble is the name to be given to a group of Harewood Golf Club members who wish to participate in a fun betting syndicate that will run over a 10 week period.

Details of the Ramble is as follows:

The Harewood Ramble will be administered by Bruce Maetzig

The Ramble is planned to start on Saturday 1st August, and run for 10 Saturdays, ending on Saturday 3rd October.

Everyone who wishes to be part of the Ramble must contribute a one off payment of $20.00 to the syndicate before 1st August.

The total amount contributed is then divided by 10 (being the 10 weeks the syndicate runs for) and that will be the amount bet each week. Example, 50 people join the group = $1000.00, divided by 10 = $100.00, this is the amount bet each week.

Each Monday someone from the Ramble (or a group) is selected to choose the weekly bet, and advise Bruce Maetzig by Thursday.

Bruce Maetzig then places the bet and advises the group via email on Friday.

Bruce Maetzig will update the group on the following Monday with the result of the previous Saturdays bet, including a spreadsheet of fund balances.

At the end of the 10 week period, the group decides by majority what to do with any profits or remaining funds.

This could be a fun inclusive 10 weeks for the club, the main aim is to get as many as possible to join in, and raise club spirit.

Bruce Maetzig
021 979 0236
Harewood Golf Club
(03) 359 8843
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