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Member News – 18 March 2022

Weekly Update – from Club Captain Phil Barlow

Last Saturday’s weather started fairly sedately, however the wind picked up for a while to make the later rounds a bit more challenging. There has been a noticeable shift in temperature over the last week, so we have definitely moved into Autumn golf now. Remember to keep making the effort to fix pitch marks and divots on the course. Moving into the cooler months means we don’t get as much growth, so it is even more important to be vigilant. Please also make the effort not to drag or twist your feet on the greens, as they won’t repair as easily as they do through the growing months.

Congratulations to all teams through the first round of men’s 4BBB, and best of luck for the women about to start theirs this weekend. Remember, if the case arises where we have members with Covid or isolating at home interfering with the prescribed rounds, please make an effort to play any matches in the off weekends between rounds. We all should be making an effort to get through the programme as best we can under the circumstances.

Another reminder the men’s AllPrint Shootout entries will close off on the last Saturday of March, so if you want to be in for a chance at the biggest prize pool we have in our golfing calendar, get in soon.

Last Saturday’s results were:

Div 1 men (stableford)

  1. Lincoln Blair (43)
  2. Terry Coleman (41)
  3. Bradley Eggins (39)

Div 2 men (stableford)

  1. Sebastian Curry (45)
  2. Bernie Norton (37)
  3. Wayne Coleman (36)

Ladies (Stableford)

  1. Marguerite Leitch (41)
  2. Deb Wekking (38)
  3. Annette Pringle (35)

Congratulations to you all.

Pro Tip by Craig Mitchell

As conditions get heavier during the Autumn to Winter period, remember to allow for less runout for your shots. So, if you are playing longer clubs into the green, take note of how long some of your approach shots fly and rollout and adjust accordingly for upcoming holes.

Rule of the week – Ball moved by natural forces - (9.3)

If natural forces, (such as wind or water) cause your ball at rest to move, there is no penalty, and your ball must be played from its new spot.

Exception: If your ball on the putting green moves after you have already marked, lifted and replaced it, the ball must be replaced on its original spot, or estimated original spot if not known.

Upcoming Saturday golf (for full details refer to the 2022 programme).

19 Mar – Men: Par. Women: 1st round 4BBB, others Par.

26 Mar – Men: 2nd Rnd 4BBB, others stableford. Women: FMS stableford Rnd 2.

2 Apr – Men: Monthly medal (blue tees). Women: LGU Rnd 3, Putting, Harewood Cup Rnd 1.

9 Apr – Men: 3rd Rnd 4BBB, others Stableford. Women: 2nd Rnd 4BBB, others multiple stableford.

Enjoy your golf!

9 Hole Ladies Results – from Lisa Neho-Smith

A few showers didn't slow the greens on Wednesday. We played 6 hidden holes stableford with winner Lisa Neho-Smith with 11 stablefords and Valerie Hampton runner up with 10 stablefords.


We would like to extend an invitation to any men who would like to come over and join in on our competition mornings. We arrive in the summer around 9am on Wednesday mornings, cards in by 9:15, on the course at 9:30. Please ring Lisa on 021 155 1866 if you would like to chat more.

Midweek Men Results – from Peter Larkin

Monday 14 Mar- Stableford, Russley (Red Tees!!)

With the Canterbury Vet’s playing at Harewood today, we were moved to Russley (thanks Neville).  It turned out that Russley were coring around their greens, hence the Red Tees as the tee blocks were also being prepared for maintenance.  I would have to confess that it wasn’t too bad, chipping in for a birdie 3 on the first hole!  However, the back nine greens were the ones getting attention first and the scoring wasn’t as good as the front nine due to the coring with a lot of tuff removed, lying all around the greens.  Rule 16.1b applied. A good day for the 30 that played and ‘interesting’ handicaps! 

Some very good scores were recorded:                                                                                                              

Division 1.       TBA

Division 2.       TBA

Division 3.       TBA

Thursday 17 Mar- Mixed Stableford Thurs Ladies (Yellow Tees)

A cool start to a day with little or no wind!  29 MWM and 13 MWL enjoyed a great St. Patrick’s Day with favourable conditions for golf.  Some good results- Thanks to all those who participated to make this a pleasurable day.  Ladies’ results reported elsewhere:


Division 1                    Charlie Su                    39

                                    Hunter Liu                   35

                                    Cook He                       34

Division 2

                                    Ted Zhang                   40

                                    Brian Jones                  38

                                    Jacky Zhang                 37

Division 3

                                    Darryl Dowthwaite      44

                                    Dennis Morgan           34 CB     

                                    Alf Hewitt                    34 CB


Volunteer Working Bee

Thank you to all the members who helped last Wednesday at the Working Bee. The gardens are looking tidy, and a great job done by the MWM collecting Pinecones etc.

Our next Working Bee is April the 6th.

Many Thanks - Julie Jones

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Harewood Golf Club
(03) 359 8843

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